Environmental Monitoring

Ni Hadi Xa employs an Environment Monitor who works on-site at the Gahcho Kue Mine as an observer. The Environment Monitor is Ni Hadi Xa’s eyes and ears on site. Their main responsibility is to report back to Ni Hadi Xa. The Monitor is involved in a variety of monitoring efforts on site.

Activities include:

  • Reporting: Environment Monitor works in rotation; shift reports are produced following each rotation and are circulated to NHX staff and Governance Committee members.
  • Sampling: Water quality monitoring, air quality monitoring and soil sampling is conducted by the Environment Monitor from the area around the mine and the receiving environment.
  • Wildlife Monitoring: The Environment Monitor participates in surveillance efforts, mammal monitoring, as well as specific bird and fish studies.
  • Site Inspections: The Environment Monitor conducts site inspections, each week focusing on a different area around the Gahcho Kué mine site. They look for anything out of the ordinary. This can include spills, damaged equipment or best practices that are not being followed.

Technical Review

Ni Hadi Xa uses both in-house resources and external expert support to conduct technical reviews of the mine’s monitoring results and management plans. The conclusions of these reviews are provided to the signatories of the Ni Hadi Xa Agreement and onward to relevant regulators.

Reviewed documents include:

  • Water License and Land Use Permit Amendment Applications
  • Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan(s)
  • Waste Management Plans
  • Standard Operating Procedures for Archaeologic finds
  • Dyke Construction Plans
  • Aquatic Effects Plans

Traditional Knowledge Monitoring

Ni Hadi Xa employs a small team of Traditional Knowledge Monitoring (TKM) staff. Traditional knowledge monitoring is carried out via two avenues:

  • Through observations and data collected by the NHX TKM staff who spend approximately 12 weeks of the year on-the-land near the mine site
  • Through observations and data collected by indigenous party beneficiaries who participate in our On-the-Land Travel Program (OTLTP)

Activities are centered around the implementation of the TKM Framework that was developed in 2017. Monitoring activities during the winter season are conducted by snow machine along the traditional travel routes between Łutsel K’é and the NHX Monitoring Cabin and the Gahcho Kue Mine. Summer monitoring activities are conducted by watercraft along the waterways in and around Fletcher Lake and by foot along our monitoring foot-trails near the mine.

On-the-Land Travel Program

Our On-the-Land Travel Program (OTLTP) aims to provide an opportunity for beneficiaries of the Ni Hadi Xa Agreement (members of Deninu Kué First Nation, Łutsel K’é Dene First Nation, Yellowknives Dene First Nation, North Slave Métis Alliance, Northwest Territory Métis Nation, and Tłı̨chǫ Government) to work with our Traditional Knowledge Monitors and engage in research and monitoring in an on-the-land setting and strengthen and maintain cultural knowledge of the land, water, wildlife, plants and resources near the mine site.

Participants will travel by aircraft to the Ni Hadi Xa Monitoring Cabin that is located on the shores of Fletcher Lake. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in on-the-land activities such as traditional knowledge gathering, western science data collection and cultural activities such as berry picking. Participants will be required to complete a short questionnaire during their time at the cabin which will serve as a record of observations that will act as a monitoring tool over the duration of the mine’s active operations and beyond.

The Ni Hadi Xa On-the-Land Travel Program will provide financial support to each of the six Indigenous Parties to cover expenses for successful applicants to participate in the program.

  • Ni Hadi Xa can support up to three (3) group visits this year.
  • Maximum group size per visit is three (3) individuals (based on seats available in the aircraft).
  • Maximum length of stay is five (5) nights, six (6) days.
  • The OTLTP runs between July 1, 2023 to September 15, 2023.
  • Deadline to apply is April 10, 2022.

Please visit our Ni Hadi Xa Monitoring Cabin section for more information about our cabin.

For more information about this program please contact us.

Community Engagement

Community engagement programing has been designed to provide opportunities for Ni Hadi Xa staff to actively engage with community members and exchange information, disseminate monitoring results and provide opportunities for community members to provide feedback and guidance on Ni Hadi Xa activities.

The main objectives of engagement activities are:

  • Increase awareness of Ni Hadi Xa in the Communities
  • Promote community participation in traditional knowledge monitoring through the On-the-Land Travel Program
  • Seek input and guidance from community members on the activities of Ni Hadi Xa

The delivery of the Ni Hadi Xa Community Engagement Program will take place through series of community visits; it is our goal to visit each community on an annual basis.

A community visit may include, but is not limited to, the following activities:

  • Face-to-face meetings with relevant authorities and community leaders
  • Hosting Ni Hadi Xa information booths at community events
  • Distribution of Ni Hadi Xa annual reports to the public and stakeholders
  • Distribution of On-the-land travel program brochures and other promotional materials
  • Public presentations by Ni Hadi Xa staff as requested
  • Public demonstrations and/or interactive displays led by Traditional Knowledge Monitor staff

If you are interested in requesting a Ni Hadi Xa visit in your community, please contact us.