Form Test

On-the-Land Travel Program

"*" indicates required fields

Applicant Information


Participant Information

In addition to the applicant, the following people will be attending (maximum 6 people). Click + to add another participant.
First Name
Last Name

Preferred Dates

Applicants can request stays of up to 6 nights between July to September Dates cannot be guaranteed. Ni Hadi Xa will do its best to meet the requested selections but must work within strict timelines to deliver the program on budget and on time.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please use the space provided below to describe your main motivation for applying to this program and list any activities that you hope to take part in while on the land:

Please review all the documentation available. The deadline for application hand in is June 15th. Following this, the applicants selected will be contacted and further paperwork will need to be completed, including establishing a final schedule and signing required program waivers.

By submitting this form you agree to the terms of the application process and provide consent for Ni Hadi Xa to conduct necessary checks to determine applicant eligibility and accuracy of the information provided in this application package.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.